Creating products is a blast! But if you create the WRONG products, they won’t sell. And you’ll be disappointed, discouraged, and seriously bummed out.
Discover...How to make sure you create the right products rather than waste your time on duds. And make them IRRESISTIBLE!
How to avoid the overwhelm of TOO MANY ideas.
A simple strategy that will make marketing a breeze.
The very first step is to insure your products are irresistible.
How your inner rebel can be used as your co-creator
And more!
Get immediate access to these two workbooks today:
Make it Irresistible! Your Amazing Product Idea Playbook
The Ultimate Secret...The Power of 3
Marcy Nelson-Garrison, MA, LPE, CPCC, is a product coach, former Choice Magazine feature writer, and visual artist. She is the founder of the Coaching Toys online store featuring creative tools and products for workshops, retreats, team building, and client work. Marcy is all about transforming lives through products! A coach since 1999, Marcy helps others create successful products and programs. Whether you are an entrepreneur, a coach, an author, a speaker, or a healer, Marcy will help you stand out creatively in the marketplace. Her clients hire her because they are ready to finally claim their brilliance, develop their own unique voice and create powerful products and programs that reflect who they are, make a difference, and make money. Marcy is the creator of the popular Card Deck Master Class, The Product Lab, and The Sacred Muse Mastermind.